Revealed – the Capitalist Network that Runs the World

By Andy Coghlan and Debora MacKenzie, New Scientist. An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy.

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Undocumented, Unafraid: Alabama Immigrants Resist Harsh Law

By Eduardo Soriano-Castillo, Labor Notes | Staff, Southern Poverty Law Center. Young immigrants in Alabama were joined by allies from labor and civil rights groups for a series of actions to announce they are undocumented and unafraid. UPDATE: Federal District Court halts Alabama law’s discriminatory housing practice.

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Interview of Doug Peacock | Protection Restored for Yellowstone Grizzlies

By Roger Cohn and Doug Peacock, Yale Environment 360. “…if the bear can make it, I always assume maybe we’ve got a shot, too. The bear is equally important to me because it’s the one animal out there that can kill and eat you about any time it chooses to, even though it seldom does. And it just stands as an instant lesson in humility.” – Doug Peacock

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Deaths of U.S. Immigration Detainees, ACLU Reports

By Staff, Granma | By Will Matthews, ACLU. In the last eight years, 126 undocumented immigrants have died while in detention centers operated by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) authorities. Complete ACLU detention report included.

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28th Amendment to U.S. Constitution to Revoke Corporate Personhood

By Move to Amend. Beware of the decoy 28th amendments that are being proposed in congress. The most serious version of the 28th is one from the grassroots; the text from Move to Amend is reproduced here.

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If One Could Extrapolate to One NGO Per Haitian… | Si l’on pourrait arriver à une ONG par Haïtien…

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Half of Haiti’s medical NGOs have left and more plan to shut down their cholera-treatment programs by the year’s end. And guess what? Haiti will get healthier (English | French).

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Favela Rocinha Occupation by Haiti-Trained Troops, Photo Essay

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery (text) | Marcelo Sayao (photos). The attack on Brazil’s Rocinha slum illustrates a peacetime merger of military with police to make war on their country’s poor. If your country has contributed troops to UN (de)stabilization missions, sit up and take notice.

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Haiti Has Lowest Inmate Per Capita in Caribbean and 70% Await Trial | Haiti: le taux le plus faible des incarcérés aux Caraïbes and 70% attendent encore leur jugement

By Staff, Haiti Libre | Staff, AlterPresse | Commentary and translation by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Canada and the U.S. are itching to build prisons in Haiti, although Haiti has the lowest per-capita number of inmates in the Caribbean, and 70 percent of those incarcerated have never been tried. (English | French)

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Cuban Software for Medicine, Games, Cell Phones Blocked from U.S.

By Staff of Prensa Latina, Cadena Agramonte, and Juventud Rebelde. Cuban companies cannot sell over 30 products to small and medium companies in the U.S. because of anti-Cuban White House policies.

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