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Dilma Rousseff, do Brasil: Não Golpe, e sim Reparação por causa de Corrupção Sistêmica

Por Dady Chery e Gilbert Mercier Haiti Chery Traduzido por Murilo Leme Em votação pública aberta, a câmara baixa do Brasil votou esmagadoramente em 17 de abril de 2016 pelo impeachment de Dilma Rousseff. Os votos, 367 favoráveis a impeachment, em contraste com 137 … Continue reading →

Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff: Not a Coup but Payback for Systemic Corruption

By Dady Chery and Gilbert Mercier Haiti Chery In a public open vote, Brazil’s lower house voted overwhelmingly on April 17, 2016 to impeach President Dilma Rousseff. The tally of 367 for impeachment, as opposed to 137 against and 7 … Continue reading →

Haitian People: Let Us Recover Our Dignity

By Michel-Ange Cadet Haiti Chery Translated from the French by Dady Chery for Haiti Chery Several Haitian cities rose up under strong tension in December 2010. The sky was black with smoke. The burning tires, the deafening noise of protesters in … Continue reading →

Peuple Haitien: Retrouvons Notre Dignité

Par Michel-Ange Cadet Haiti Chery Plusieurs villes de la République d’Haïti se levaient sous fortes tensions en décembre 2010. Le ciel de certaines villes était noir de fumée. Des pneus brûlaient, des bruits assourdissants de manifestants dans un commun refrain de protestations … Continue reading →

Amaral Duclona: Bogeyman of Haiti’s Foreign Occupation

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery If you did not know the man’s name, and you were unfamiliar with the Western press’ habit of renaming what it fears, you would think that his family name was gang leader or bandit. For about … Continue reading →

Pensée impériale

Par Michel-Ange Cadet, Haiti Chery | Tableaux de Gerard Fortuné. “Leurs intérêts pour l’homme, les races humaines, et les nations se réduisent à ce que ces hommes peuvent leur rapporter. L’appétit pour l’or, la richesse, la gloire, et pour dominer et assujettir constituent l’essence même de l’idéal impérial.”

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The United States’ Obscene Wealth Inequality

By Gilbert Mercier and Dady Chery Haiti Chery In the past 33 years, the United States has become a study in blatant and obscene contrasts between the rich and poor. Although FDR’s New Deal helped to lift the country out … Continue reading →

Life on $2 a Day: US Extreme Poverty on the Rise

  By Dady Chery and Gilbert Mercier Haiti Chery A fast-growing group of people in the United States, households with children, are living on $2.00 or less per person per day. This shocking condition in a wealthy country such as … Continue reading →

The Politics of Climate Change: Is Occupy Turning Into an NGO?

By Gilbert Mercier and Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. MLK could easily have built a movement to supply food, blankets, and diapers to needy African Americans. Decades later, as climate change exacerbates life for those already on the edge, the arguments are the same: do we put a band-aid over the lash wounds, or do we stop those who administer the beatings?

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