Will Namibia’s Newfound Wealth of Groundwater Serve People or Mining?

By James Anderson, Alertnet. About 0.16 cubic mile of groundwater, at least 100 times the amount of renewable freshwater in Africa, lies below the continent’s driest country: Namibia. The battle is on for access to the newfound water by the population versus the water utilities and mining industry.

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Scientists Hail Africa’s Steps Into Space

By Staff Writers, Space Daily | NASRDA | Stephen Clark, Spaceflight Now. Last month Nigeria launched two satellites, Nigeriasat 2 and Nigeriasat X, used for forestry, mapping, disaster monitoring and security applications. In 2009 South Africa launched SumbandilaSat and last year formed its own space agency.

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Understanding the War in Libya

Editorial, Granma. In the war against Libya, Washington is simultaneously pursuing several objectives: taking control of oil, protecting the safety of Israel, preventing the liberation of the Arab world, hindering African unity, and setting up NATO as Africa’s watchdog.

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Cuban Internationalism as Engaged Empathy

By Gary Olson, ZNet. Cuban internationalism, initially more military and now medical, is the most compelling large-scale example we have of empathic solidarity.

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