HomeDC EditorialYet More Brazilian Military Train to Take Command in Haiti | Militares treinam para exercer comando no Haiti

Editorial Comment

For about a week before a comatose friend died from an infection acquired during a routine hospital visit, the hospital declared his condition to be stable. This is the kind of stability that the United Nations brings to Haiti and the world. The so-called UN peacekeeping mission is as pernicious as a bacterial infection with multiple antibiotic resistances. The Brazilian force trains in Haiti’s slums then moves to areas of indigenous uprisings and its own favelas, where it serves as a ruthless and racist pacification force against dark-skinned Brazilians.

The pedigree of its command goes directly back to the criminals from Brazil’s formal dictatorship of 1964 to 1985. The boy soldiers play little boys’ games, with medals, guns, trucks, and tanks, while the dictatorship continues, with elections. The presidency has been reduced to a public relations job of winning elections and making speeches about national reconciliation and the blue helmets’ great achievements. Currently, Brazil leads supposed UN peacekeeping missions, not only in Haiti, but also in Lebanon and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The stabilizations will proceed to their logical end unless their victims, inside and outside Brazil, make common cause against them.

Dady Chery, Editor
Haiti Chery



Brazilian Ministry of Defense, Air Forces, February 2, 2015

English | Portuguese

Translated from the Portuguese by Dady Chery for Haiti Chery

Forty-two soldiers from the Brazilian Navy, Army and Air Force concluded, on Friday, January 30, 2015, an Internship in the Preparation of Commanders and Staff (EPCOEM) for the 22nd Brazilian contingent for the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). The training was carried out jointly with the Center for Peacekeeping Operations in Brazil (CCOPAB), located in Rio de Janeiro (RJ).

The internship involved instructions on the Haitian National Police, UN logistics, and rules of engagement on the use of force in the context of the peace mission. There was also the Command-Post Training, at which there was practice and performance on the responsiveness of commanders and officers to situations typical of the mission.

The 42 military will make up the Infantry Battalion of the Peacekeeping Force, the Engineering Unit of Peacekeeping Force, and the Operative Grouping of the Marine Corps, in Haiti.

Translators Internship

The CCOPAB also concluded, on Friday, January 30, 2015, the Translators and Interpreters Internship, with the participation of 14 military. They will also be part of the 22nd Brazilian contingent in Haiti.

Sources: Haiti Chery | Brazilian Ministry of Defense



Ministério da Defesa, Força Aérea Brasileira, 01/02/2015

inglês | português

Quarenta e dois militares da Marinha, do Exército e da Força Aérea concluíram nesta sexta-feira (30/01) o Estágio de Preparação de Comandantes e Estado-Maior (EPCOEM), em preparação para o 22° contingente brasileiro para Missão de Estabilização do Haiti. O estágio é realizado pelo Centro Conjunto de Operações de Paz do Brasil (CCOPAB), localizado no Rio de Janeiro (RJ).

O estágio envolveu instruções sobre a Polícia Nacional Haitiana, logística das Nações Unidas e regras de engajamento, esta última sobre o uso da força no contexto da missão de paz. Também foi realizado o Exercício de Posto de Comando, quando foi praticada a capacidade de resposta dos Comandantes e Oficiais a situações típicas da missão.

NewBrazilianMission2015bOs 42 militares irão compor o Batalhão de Infantaria de Força de Paz, a Companhia de Engenharia de Força de Paz e o Grupamento Operativo de Fuzileiros Navais Haiti.


O CCOPAB também concluiu na sexta-feira o Estágio de Tradutores e Interpretes, com a participação de 14 militares. Eles também irão atuar no 22° contingente brasileiro no Haiti.

Fonte: Ministério da Defesa, Força Aérea Brasileira



Yet More Brazilian Military Train to Take Command in Haiti | Militares treinam para exercer comando no Haiti — No Comments

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