HomeBy Dady CheryFavela Rocinha Occupation by Haiti-Trained Troops, Photo Essay

What happens in Haiti doesn’t stay in Haiti

By Dady Chery

Haiti Chery

A dramatic case of a peacetime merger of military and police to make war on their country’s poor was the October 13, 2011 attack on Brazil’s Rocinha neighborhood and its ongoing occupation by United Nations trained soldiers together with Brazilian police. This is not the first, and it certainly will not be the last.

If your country has contributed soldiers to UN missions, sit up and take notice. Blue helmets are coming home to roost. Here, for example, is the roster of the troop contributors to the United Nations (de)Stabilization Mission in Haiti called MINUSTAH:

Argentina, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, Japan, Jordan, El Salvador, Nepal, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, South Korea, Sri Lanka, the U.S., and Uruguay.

The so-called peacekeepers are the fastest-growing branch of the UN, with a budget of $8 billion and over 110,000 troops serving 15 operations.  Ten percent of this budget is spent on Haiti — a small country that is not at war — to train foreign troops, away from the public eye, for future urban warfare against their own civilians.

Another instance of violence first practiced on Haiti (Gonaives after hurricanes Ike and Jeanne), exported to the U.S. (New Orleans after hurricane Katrina) and returned to Haiti (Port-au-Prince after the earthquake), was the rampant corruption that thwarted reconstruction efforts despite huge sums of charitable donations.

Yet another attack on Haiti was the removal of its democratically elected leaders and their replacement by a succession of International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, and now UN sycophants.

In the west, some might have glanced at their flat-screen televisions in between jokes and sips of wine, as UN “peacekeepers,” together with French troops, forcibly replaced Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo with IMF economist Alassane Ouattara, five months after Laurent Gbagbo was declared the winner of his country’s elections.

Now… [gasp!] Western prime ministers are summarily removed and exchanged for financiers. Former European Central Bank vice-president Lucas Papademos replaced Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, and Mario Monti, an international adviser to Goldman Sachs, will likely replace ousted Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

The tainted waters and vaccines will come your way too, unless you help to stem their flow in Haiti.

It is not charity that Haitians needs, but solidarity against the imperial machine and allies with a prudent sense of self preservation.

Infantrymen patrol a street on board Brazilian Navy’s armored vehicles during the occupation of the Rocinha slum.

Brazilian Navy’s armored vehicles patrol the streets of the Rocinha slum.

Brazilian policeman searches a man in the Rocinha slum.

A Brazilian Navy armored vehicle patrols the streets of the Rocinha slum.

A helicopter of the Rio de Janeiro’s Military Police flies over Rocinha slum.

Brazilian policemen on a street of the Rocinha slum.

Saturn devouring his son, by Francisco Goya.

Sources: Haiti Chery| SF Bay View | All photos by Marcelo Sayao on October 13, 2011 | Goya painting from Wikipedia 


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