HomeDC EditorialDutch Brewer Heineken Swallows Up Haiti’s National Brewery

Editorial Comment

Three months after the earthquake, the Vietnamese carried off Haiti’s national telephone company Teleco for a pittance. Now the Dutch are making off with the national brewery. This is the culmination of a long process of ripping off Haiti while calling it poor.

Haiti’s national flour mill and state cement companies were forced to privatize in 1997 and then shut down. Soon the fact that we milled our own flour, made our own construction materials, and ran our own phone company and brewery will be forgotten, and more NGOs will flock into the country to teach us ignoramuses about the wheel.

If the disaster capitalists who are coming for the fire sales in the midst of infinite Haitian misery are despicable, the Haitian officials who make these deals for a cut of the transactions are far worse.

Forget the fixed elections, Clinton’s posturing, the swaggering of the United Nations troops, and all the rest. If anyone still doubts Haiti’s loss of sovereignty, the fact that our country no longer makes its own beer ought to confirm it. I’m not sure which is designed first, the flag or its national beer, but an unstated requirement for being a country is one or more national beers. We’ve got some serious fixing to do.

Dady Chery, Editor
Haiti Chery

Prestige: one of the world’s finest beers, previously brewed by the Brasserie Nationale d’Haiti (SBPR)

Dutch brewer Heineken ups its stake to 95 percent in largest beer company in Haiti

By Staff

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Dutch brewer Heineken NV says it will increase its stake in the dominant beer company in Haiti to 95 percent.

Heineken says it already owned nearly 23 percent of Brasserie Nationale d’Haiti SA, known as Brana. The Dutch company says it sees room for growth in Haiti with the country’s increasing economic and political stability.

The deal is expected to be completed next month for undisclosed terms.

Spokesman John-Paul Schuirink said Thursday that Brana has 90 percent of Haiti’s beer market with its Prestige brand and license to produce Guiness.

Beer consumption in Haiti is about 1.3 liters per capita, compared to 45 liters in the neighboring Dominican Republic and 20 liters in nearby Puerto Rico.

Source: Yahoo

About Dady Chery

Dr. Dady Chery is a Haitian-born poet, playwright, journalist and scientist. She is the author of the book "We Have Dared to Be Free: Haiti's Struggle Against Occupation." Her broad interests encompass science, culture, and human rights. She writes extensively about Haiti and world issues such as climate change and social justice. Her many contributions to Haitian news include the first proposal that Haiti’s cholera had been imported by the UN, and the first story that described Haiti’s mineral wealth for a popular audience.


Dutch Brewer Heineken Swallows Up Haiti’s National Brewery — No Comments

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