The People Rise Up in Haiti. Indict the U.N. and Government for Introducing and Distributing Cholera, and for Organizing Bogus Elections
Editorial Comment
Three bulletins follow on the 2010 Anniversary of the Dessalines and slave-army victory at the Bataille de Vertieres on November 18, 1803. Throughout Haiti popular uprisings flared when Haitians learned about importation of cholera into the country by United Nations MINUSTAH force. For more on this story, read Genocide in Haiti: Carelessness of Malice?
Dady Chery, Editor
Haiti Chery
Huge Demonstration in Port-au-Prince Against Preval’s Attempted Theft of Election, MINUSTAH’s Part in Starting Cholera
By Staff
Haitian Truth
Nov 18, 2010, 11:32. A huge demonstration fills the Champs de Mars and surrounding areas as tens of thousands protest the Preval attempt to steal elections and MINUSTAH’s part in starting the cholera epidemic.
Some suggest that more than 100,000 are involved.
There is a massive, armed MINUSTAH presence with armored cars scattered around the area, hatches battened down, heavy machine guns trained on the crowds.
It is a formula for disaster.
Violence is predicted.
People expect MINUSTAH to fire on Haitians, as they did in Cap Haitien, and elsewhere.
Already lives have been taken by MINUSTAH bullets.
This morning Senator Youri Latortue went on the radio to explain how President Preval, and the Chairman of his puppet CEP – Electoral Council – went to the election offices to switch computers. For weeks, Preval has maneuvered to steal the election, and the International Community has stood mute. Edmund Mulet, chief of MINUSTAH has backed Preval’s actions. Last Sunday, MINUSTAH staffers, standing in front of U.N. marked vehicles, stood on the streets of Petionville, urging Haitians to vote Celestin.
A Swedish diplomat has now confirmed that all studies support – 99 percent – the contention that the cholera epidemic was initiated by the dumping of shit from the MINUSTAH’s Nepalese battalion into the Artibonite River system. The cholera outbreak started five days after a SANCO truck was photographed dumping the untreated Nepalese waste into the Artibonite.
SANCO is owned by Elizabeth Delatour, Preval’s wife, and Jude Celestin, Preval’s candidate for the presidency. Preval has also – under the table – made a deal with Mirlande Manigat, promising his and UNITE’s support of her campaign. Some suggest SANCO’s dumping was a deliberate attempt to create a situation that would allow Preval’s prolongation of his term in office.
There can really be no such thing as free-and-fair elections with Preval in place. He controls – entirely – the CEP. He is a partner of MINUSTAH in their combined effort to install a controllable president. This person is Mirlande Manigat.
Preval must go.
MINUSTAH must be controlled.
It is not too late, but time is running out.
A Reader Comments from Champs de Mars …
Chantal Leslie on November 18, 2010 at 1:57 pm. I am in Champs de Mars now and the situation is dangerous. A huge crowd that spreads into side streets. MINUSTAH soldiers all over with PNH members. It could explode at any moment.
Sources: Haiti Chery | Haitian Truth
Cancel Elections Until April 2011 to Insist on Vote Now Like Trying to Sell Condo in Building With 5-Alarm Fire. Irresponsible!
November 18, 2010
A photo is worth 10,000, perhaps a million words. This photo shows Haiti, and the elections represented in this photograph. The man is Haiti – dying in front of electoral posters.
This entire situation has an Alice in Wonderland flavor.
The Nation is dying of a MINUSTAH-Preval created cholera epidemic.
People are focused upon personal survival and that of their family. Survival is the key word and their vocabulary cannot really encompass Democratic Elections. To move forward now plays into the hands of the Preval-MINUSTAH conspiracy that hopes to place a puppet in control.
Mirlande Manigat is the chosen puppet and has made a deal with the Devil – Preval.
Preval must step down.
Under Article 149 of Haiti’s 1987 Constitution, an Interim President is chosen from the Supreme Court judges. A Prime Minister named. Elections must be held between 45 and 90 days after… but this could be extended.
This game is already in play with Preval/MINUSTAH ready to suggest Michele Montas as the Interim Prime Minister or Interim President. This is also not acceptable. She is a close ally of Preval’s and is/was a key founder of his UNITE party.
A neutral element should be chosen. Ambassador Ray Joseph would be an ideal man for the job. He can steer the Nation into a successful election, a process that starts with appointment of a new CEP. The existing one has a Chairman that all but sleeps with Preval, and we cannot rule this out.
If the election is not free-and-fair in the purest terms of the motto, Democracy is effectively dead in Haiti. The Haitian peasant has had enough of this stupid foreign concept and would welcome a benevolent dictator, with a firm and fair hand…like Jean Claude Duvalier, although he is really past history.
Time out!
Stop the clock and think.
Delay the election until the cholera is under control and a proper electoral system is in place.
Then proceed.
To press on – regardless – November 28, 2010 will give birth to a perverted situation that will guarantee anything other that a successful reconstruction of the land.
Sources: Haiti Chery | Haitian Truth
Protests Paralyze Cap Haitien, a Large Port City
Staff and Wire Reports
Miami Herald
Protesters who hold Nepalese U.N. peacekeepers responsible for a deadly outbreak of cholera that has killed almost 1,000 in three weeks threw stones and threatened to set fire to a base in the country’s second-largest city Monday, Haitian radio and eyewitnesses reported.
Media representatives photographed a SANCO truck dumping feces from the Nepalese MINUSTAH base at Mirebalaise into the Artibonite River system. The epidemic started days later. SANCO is owned by Elizabeth Delatour, the President’s wife, and Jude Celestin, the president’s chosen candidate. CDC tests show the Cholera strain is the same found in Nepal.
The protesters also blame the unit for the death of a Haitian youth at the base in August. One U.N. employee had immunity cancelled so murder charges could be pursued.
The demonstrations began in Cap-Haitien about 6 a.m. and have paralyzed much of the northern port city, national television reporter Johnny Joseph told The Associated Press by phone.
Demonstrators are also targeting other U.N. bases and Haitian national police stations in the city, he said. U.N. police spokesman Andre Leclerc said the demonstrators blocked traffic in the area.
At 6:30 p.m. the World Food Program warehouse in Cap-Haitien was looted, officials said.
“We are monitoring the situation very closely. We are very ever concerned,” said WFP spokeswoman Stephanie Tremblay.
Tremblay said looters stole a WFP truck and looted food from the warehouse. Their staff was safe, she said.
Residents in Cap-Haitien reported sporadic gunfire and tire burning all day. A bridge leading to the airport was also blocked, forcing people to stay home.
United Nations and Haitian officials told The Miami Herald there was also protests in the city of Hinche.
Radio Kiskeya and Radio Caraibes reported that U.N. soldiers and Haitian police fired tear gas and projectiles to disperse at least 1,000 protesters at the Nepalese base. Joseph said at least three people were injured by Haitian police.
A case of cholera had never before been documented in Haiti, and fear and confusion is following its destructive path. President René Préval addressed the nation on Sunday to dispel myths and educate people on good sanitation and hygiene. Many saw his actions as inadequate when he also refused offers of vaccine to immunize those without cholera. Preval said that Haitians who received the vaccine would think they were immune and not help with the effort to clean Haiti. He preferred education to vaccine, even though he and his wife had received Dukarol, a Canadian cholera vaccine.
Cholera is transmitted by feces and can easily be prevented if people have access to safe drinking water and can regularly wash their hands. But those conditions don’t exist in much of Haiti, and tens of thousands of people have been sickened as the disease has spread across the countryside and to nearly all the country’s major population centers, including Port-au-Prince.
Sources: Haiti Chery | Haitian Truth
The People Rise Up in Haiti. Indict the U.N. and Government for Introducing and Distributing Cholera, and for Organizing Bogus Elections — No Comments