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10 Reasons Why UN Occupation of Haiti Must End

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery The worst crime of the United Nations Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), which the UN Security Council extended on April 13, 2017 and will rename United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti (MINUJUSTH) after October 15, … Continue reading →

When Will MINUSTAH Leave Haiti?


Anti-US Protests Spread Throughout Muslim World | Les manifestations anti américaines se propagent à tous les pays du monde musulman

By Alex Lantier, WSWS. Protests that began one week ago at US embassies in Egypt and Libya are rapidly spreading throughout the Muslim world. The protests reflect broad popular opposition to Washington’s wars, its violation of elementary democratic rights in the conduct of the “war on terror,” and its exploitation of the region as a source of cheap labor. (English | French)

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Corruption by ‘Peacekeeping’: The Lure of Foreign Exchange

By Staff, AsiaOne | Editorial comment by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Bangladeshi UN “peacekeepers” have sent home nearly $1.24 billion during the past three years. In 2010 Bangladesh sent its first female MINUSTAH contingent, a group of 110, to Haiti.

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Western Biologists Study Tuna Collapse as Their Countries’ Fleets Pillage World Coasts | Pesca de atún requiere sacrificios a corto plazo

Julio Godoy, IPS, Tierramérica | Enrique Gili, IPS | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. The world’s tuna populations, and particularly bluefin tuna, are being overfished to extinction. Despite numerous violations for overfishing, vessels fly flags of convenience, change their names, swap crews and continue to operate. (English | Spanish)

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How Somalia’s Fishermen Became ‘Pirates’

By Ishaan Tharoor, Time Magazine | Chebucto | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Since 1991, Somalia’s 2,000-mile coastline, the longest in continental Africa, has been pillaged by foreign vessels. An estimated $300 million of seafood is stolen from Somalia each year by countries that include France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Pakistan, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Spain, and Taiwan.

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Dady Chery’s Top 10 Reasons Why MINUSTAH Should Go | Les 10 premières raisons pour lesquelles la MINUSTAH devrait partir | Las 10 primeras razones para qué la MINUSTAH deba irse | Lista dos dez principais motivos pelos quais a MINUSTAH deveria ir-se

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery (English, French) | Spanish translation by Fernando Moyano | Portuguese translation by Murilo Otávio Rodrigues Paes Leme. MINUSTAH’s worst crime so far is killing over 8,000 Haitians with cholera. It is a degraded, degrading, and unwanted occupation force that must go. (English | French | Spanish | Portuguese)

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Troy Davis and al-Awlaki: Two Murders, One Outrage

Editorial Comment Anwar al-Awlaki’s and Troy Davis’ murders are connected, and the connection is the November 2012 United States presidential elections. These elections will make little difference to the population, but they matter very much to the two political parties. … Continue reading →

Deep Sea Fishing is ‘Unsustainable’; Efforts Should Concentrate on ‘Productive Local Waters’

By FIS/MP, MercoPress. A team of marine scientists urge an end to most commercial fishing in the deep sea and instead recommend fishing in more productive and local waters. The only question is: whose productive local waters.

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