Haiti: A New U.S. Occupation Disguised as Disaster Relief?
By Arun Gupta, Z Magazine. Official denials aside, the United States has embarked on a new military occupation of Haiti thinly cloaked as disaster relief.
Continue reading →By Arun Gupta, Z Magazine. Official denials aside, the United States has embarked on a new military occupation of Haiti thinly cloaked as disaster relief.
Continue reading →By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. One cannot talk about orphaned Haitian children without confronting two highly controversial and interwoven subjects: Vodou and restavek. Both are part of the very fabric of the Haitian family, which is currently under vicious attack.
Continue reading →By James Ridgeway, Reader Supported News | Haiti Chery “Since the 1980s, in particular, the United States has helped turn a nation of low-tech subsistence farmers into a dumping ground for American agribusiness.”
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