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Cuba: Détente ou Trama Imperial da Doutrina Monroe?

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery Traduzido por Murilo Leme Embora a Revolução Cubana tenha 57 anos de idade e seja usualmente responsabilizada pelo isolamento de Cuba, já se passaram 88 anos desde a última visita à ilha de chefe de estado … Continue reading →

Cuba: Détente or Monroe Doctrine Imperial Plot?

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery Although the Cuban Revolution is 57 years old and is usually blamed for Cuba’s isolation, it has been 88 years since the last visit to the island by a US head of state. United States … Continue reading →

Fidel Castro Answers Obama’s Speech

Brother Obama We don’t need the empire to give us anything. Our efforts will be legal and peaceful, because our commitment is to peace and fraternity among all human beings who live on this planet. By Fidel Castro Ruz Haiti Chery … Continue reading →

Fidel Castro da su respuesta al discurso de Obama

El Hermano Obama No necesitamos que el imperio nos regale nada. Nuestros esfuerzos serán legales y pacíficos, porque es nuestro compromiso con la paz y la fraternidad de todos los seres humanos que vivimos en este planeta. Por Fidel Castro … Continue reading →

When Will MINUSTAH Leave Haiti?


Outsourcing Customs Tax Collection in Haiti and Elsewhere

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. A contract was granted under irregular circumstances by Haiti’s Minister of Economy and Finance, Marie Camelle Jean-Marie, that grants control of all customs tariffs of the Republic of Haiti to the Swiss multinational company Societe Generale de Surveillance SA (SGS), for 10 years.

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Originator of Slave Trade Finished as a Colonist

By Staff, BBC | WSWS. Last month, cash-strapped Portugal, which had been ordered by the IMF to privatize, went to sell shares in its state-owned companies to Angola, a former colony that became independent in 1975. To put this story in perspective: 50 years ago, to conclude 450 years of Portuguese control of the trading cities on the Arabian Sea, India had to expel Portugal forcibly from Goa. Western progressives and conservatives alike find these role reversals hard to swallow.

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Cuban Software for Medicine, Games, Cell Phones Blocked from U.S.

By Staff of Prensa Latina, Cadena Agramonte, and Juventud Rebelde. Cuban companies cannot sell over 30 products to small and medium companies in the U.S. because of anti-Cuban White House policies.

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Understanding the War in Libya

Editorial, Granma. In the war against Libya, Washington is simultaneously pursuing several objectives: taking control of oil, protecting the safety of Israel, preventing the liberation of the Arab world, hindering African unity, and setting up NATO as Africa’s watchdog.

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Cuban Internationalism as Engaged Empathy

By Gary Olson, ZNet. Cuban internationalism, initially more military and now medical, is the most compelling large-scale example we have of empathic solidarity.

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