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Other People’s Countries

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery For news of the world, peel away from those who follow the daily offerings of bombings and supposed terror attacks, as bulls in the ring chase a red cape to their ritualistic slaughter. Look instead in … Continue reading →

When Will MINUSTAH Leave Haiti?


Fragmentation of News and Causes: The Urgent Need to Think Globally

  By Gilbert Mercier and Dady Chery Haiti Chery “When the blind men had each felt a part of the elephant, the king went to each of them and said to each: ‘Well, blind man, have you seen the elephant? … Continue reading →

Boston Marathon Bombing: More Justification for Repression and Endless Global War on Terror

By Gilbert Mercier and Dady Chery Haiti Chery We might never learn the motive behind the Boston Marathon bomb attack on Monday, April 15, 2013, which is reported to have killed three people and injured more than 170. It could … Continue reading →

Humanitarian Imperialism: From Hookworm Treatment to Polio Vaccines

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. The lust for power has grown. The collaboration of today’s super rich in their philanthropy is a kind of humanitarian imperialism meant not only to rehabilitate their names but also impose their views on a global scale.

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Love’s Celebration Is Worth Life’s Struggles

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. “‘Why fight?’ Some ask, when we have probably passed the tipping point in climate change…. One might as well ask: Why live the best lives we can, although we will all die?…. But on accepting the human condition, we also discover that there is pleasure in cherishing what we cannot possess.”

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USAID: Dictator’s Little Helper

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. USAID’s goals were originally to diminish the threat of communism and open new markets for the US; these have expanded to include: developing “countries’ policies and institutions” and even “rebuilding government.”

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Petraeus Resignation: Sex, Lies and Politics

  By Dady Chery and Gilbert Mercier Haiti Chery General David Petraeus had to resign today from his position as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. He admitted to an affair, but some, such as the New York Times, are … Continue reading →

Anti-US Protests Spread Throughout Muslim World | Les manifestations anti américaines se propagent à tous les pays du monde musulman

By Alex Lantier, WSWS. Protests that began one week ago at US embassies in Egypt and Libya are rapidly spreading throughout the Muslim world. The protests reflect broad popular opposition to Washington’s wars, its violation of elementary democratic rights in the conduct of the “war on terror,” and its exploitation of the region as a source of cheap labor. (English | French)

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Canada’s Infamy Per Capita

By David Swanson/Douglas Ou-ee-ii-jay-ii Jack, War Is a Crime. The great majority of Canadians are unaware of their status as world leaders in activities such as mine development, energy development, deforestation, consumerism, and weapons sales.

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U.N. Uses Private Military and Security Contractors

By Kim-Jenna Jurriaans, IPS | UPDATE from Haiti Chery. The United Nations is increasingly hiring Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) for its missions across the world, raising concerns over the use of firms known for participation in human rights abuses, as well as an overall lack of accountability structures governing these contractors within the U.N. system. UPDATE 1: DynCorp boasts of having trained 400 “Haitian police” and is awarded a $48.6 million contract to insert 100 contractors and 10 advisors into the “UN police force” in Haiti.

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Bradley Manning Receives Nobel Peace Prize Nomination, Faces Court Martial

By Lauren Indvik, Mashable | Naomi Spencer, WSWS. The entire Icelandic Parliament and the Oklahoma Center for Conscience and Peace Research are among those who have nominated24-year old U.S. Army private and Wikileaks whistleblower Bradley Manning for a Nobel Peace Prize. On Feb 23, after 9 months of detention without charge, 22 formal charges were brought for the first time against Manning.

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Foreign Aid, Foreign Wastes

Data from USAID | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. A policy of tied aid has until now required that USAID funds be spent on goods and services exclusively from U.S. companies. A new policy will allow USAID to buy many goods and services from developing countries, but not food, motor vehicles, or U.S.-patented pharmaceuticals.

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Haitian Senate Resolution: UN Soldiers Accused of Rape Should Be Tried In Place | Le Sénat vote une résolution réclamant que des soldats de l’ONU accusés de crimes soient jugés en Haïti

By staff, AHP | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. The Haitian Senate has strongly condemned the latest rape of a boy on Jan 20, 2012 by Pakistani UN soldiers and noted that in such cases it is the law of the place where the crime is committed that should prevail. (English | French)

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