Haiti’s G-8 Calls for Interim Consensus Government
Press release done in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on January 22, 2016 for the G-8 by Samuel Madistin
Haiti Chery
Translated from the French by Dady Chery for Haiti Chery
On the indefinite postponement of the “elections of January 24, 2016”: The group of presidential candidates involved in the election process, commonly called the Group of 8 (G-8), takes note of the postponement sine die of the “elections” of January 24, 2016 by the Interim Electoral Council (CEP) cronies and their gangleader Pierre-Louis Opont.
Many break-ins would have been avoided if government officials and the CEP had not demonstrated, casually and in bad faith, a disrespect for the Haitian people and blind submission to the international sector.
The G-8* invites the Haitian people not to indulge in triumphalism and to remain vigilant and mobilized until the satisfaction of its main demands, including:
1. The resignation of what remains of the CEP and prosecution of the corrupt;
2. The departure of President Michel Joseph Martelly and the establishment of an interim consensus government whose main assignments will be to establish an independent commission of inquiry composed of five members appointed by credible sectors: Media Association, under the supervision of the National Association of Haitian Media (ANMH); Human Rights Sector, under the auspices of the Haitian Platform for the Defense of Human Rights (POHDH); Women’s Organizations, under the direction of Solidarite Fanm Ayisyen (SOFA); University Sector, supervised by the Rector of the State University of Haiti (UEH); and the group of National Observers of the Election, under the control of the Justice and Peace Commission (JILAP).
This committee will have the tasks:
a. To deepen the assessment by the Independent Electoral Commission of Evaluation (BICs) and clear up the voting process by analyzing the partial electoral lists (LEP), tally sheets, the minutes and complaints, to determine the extent of the irregularities and fraud;
b. To identify and recommend the exclusion of those who were the beneficiaries of proven cases of fraud;
c. To re-evaluate the decisions of the BCEN and BCEDs (CEP courts);
d. To recommend to the provisional government of consensus all measures deemed useful and likely to restore confidence.
This committee will fulfill its historic mission within a period not exceeding 30 calendar days.
The G-8 does not intend to accept and will not accept any cosmetic solution concocted by the reactionary oligarchy, international sector, Tet-Kale power, and traditional anti-democratic forces of the country.
The G8 makes a formal commitment to the Haitian people to fight against all forms of political opportunism (Bourik travay, Chwal galonnen).
The G-8 deplores the break-ins recorded during the day and the cases of injury.
The G8 supports the peaceful popular demonstrations held across the country to force government officials to respect the verdict of the polls.
More than ever united in solidarity, the G8 renews its commitment to do everything within the framework of the law to enforce the people’s will.
UPDATE #1, February 5, 2016. In a February 4 press release, Haiti’s Group of Eight presidential candidates (G-8) reiterated its requirement for a provisional government to represent vital sectors of the national life, headed by two executives: an interim president from the Supreme Court and an interim prime minister from the political sector. The main task of this provisional government will be to set up a commission of election inquiry and verification, charged with restoring the integrity of the election process. The G-8 condemns divisive political maneuvers and warns the population against alternative proposals for a provisional government that “breach the basic principle of separation of powers.”
UPDATE #2, June 21, 2016. Haiti’s G8 is formally dissolved. It was a core group of eight top presidential candidates who completely shut down the second round of Haiti’s elections in January 2016 by refusing to participate in it and calling for a boycott, Martelly’s departure, and the formation of a commission to verify the results of the October 2015 first round. Officially, the G8 has accomplished its aims; however former members are unhappy with the current political situation because: (1) The zombies who had voted in the fraudulent presidential elections are also responsible for the current parliament and mayors, although only the presidential elections are being redone. In a recent interview with Radio Kiskeya, G8 member Jude Celestin said that he wanted the fraudsters to be excluded from running. (2) Jocelerme Privert continues to function as Haiti’s interim president despite his mandate having expired on June 14, 2016; this issue caused Jean Henry Ceant to leave the G8 in protest. (3) The ballot verification revealed how the fraud was done, but not by whom. On Monday, June 20, four former G8 candidates (Eric Jean Baptiste, Mario Andresol, Steven Irvenson Benoit et Sauveur Pierre Etienne) declined to run in the October 2016 elections and threw their support to Jude Celestin for leading the group’s protest against the fraudulent elections. Recall that, in 2010, Celestin was personally removed by Hillary Clinton from the first round so that she could force Michel Martelly into the presidency.
Sources: Haiti Chery (English) | AlterPresse (French) | Dady Chery is the author of We Have Dared to be Free. | *The G8 group of presidential candidates won 49.8% of the popular vote in the October 25, 2015 elections, even by the underestimates of Haiti’s Interim Electoral Council (CEP). They are: Jude Célestin (25.3%) of Ligue Alternative pour le Progrès et l’Émancipation Haitienne (LAPEH); Moïse Jean-Charles (14.4%) of Pitit Dessalin; Éric Jean-Baptiste (3.63%) of Mouvement Action Socialiste (MAS); Jean-Henry Céant (2.50%) of Renmen Ayiti; Sauveur Pierre Étienne (1.95%) of Oganizasyon Pep kap Lite (OPL); Steven I. Benoit (1.14%) of Konviksyon; Samuel Madistin (0.88%)of Mouvement Patriotique Populaire Dessalinien (MOPOD); and Charles Henry Baker (0.18%) of Respe.