Astor Piazzolla’s Libertango: Music and Dance
By Dady Chery
Haiti Chery
Virtuoso orchestral and dance performances of Astor Piazzola’s Libertango are offered as a nod to the residents of Famatima and Chilecito, whose protests that “A água vale mais do que o ouro!” (Water is more precious than gold!) have helped to save their lands and water from the Quebec-based Canadian mining company, Osisko Mining Corporation.
Astor Piazzolla was born in Buenos Aires, Argentinam on March 11, 1921. He lived in New York during his teenage years, until he turned 15, by which time he was already a virtuoso bandoleónist who had absorbed influences from jazz and European classical music, especially Bach. After more advanced musical training, he combined these musical styles with his knowledge of Argentinian tango and folk music to create the nuevo tango. He died in Rome on July 4, 1992.
Starting with Astor Piazzola’s own recording of Libertango in 1974, there have many recordings, including one by Yo Yo Ma on a 1997 album titled Piazolla: Soul of the Tango.
The music
The dance
Sources: Haiti Chery | YouTube (bambamaker, cuoylyf)
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