Pete Seeger: One Blue Sky | My Rainbow Race
Editorial Comment
Pete Seeger is a giant of U.S. folk music whose contributions to the cannon of protest songs include the timeless “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” and “Turn, Turn, Turn!” During the 1950’s, Seeger’s lyrics earned him a place on the MacCarthy era blacklist. At age 92* he continues to lend his support to many issues. The following video for the song One Blue Sky (My Rainbow Race) was originally meant to promote the Kyoto Protocol. The song has become an anthem for climate-action campaigners. The video came from Haiti Chery contributor Dr. Rashid Haider, in response to a note of thanks for his help to Haitian children; Haider commented:
“We are part of the same human race. Whenever a child suffers…, whether he/she may be in Haiti, Zimbabwe or Bangladesh, it pains me very much. I try in my modest way to spread the truth. “
Dady Chery, Editor
Haiti Chery
By Pete Seeger
Lyrics and music
One Blue Sky
One blue sky above us
One ocean lapping all our shore
One earth so green and round
Who could ask for more
And because I love you
I’ll give it one more try
To show my rainbow race
It’s too soon to die.
Some folks want to be like an ostrich,
Bury their heads in the sand.
Some hope that plastic dreams
Can unclench all those greedy hands.
Some hope to take the easy way:
Poisons, bombs. They think we need ’em.
Don’t you know you can’t kill all the unbelievers?
There’s no shortcut to freedom.
One blue sky above us
One ocean lapping all our shore
One earth so green and round
Who could ask for more
And because I love you
I’ll give it one more try
To show my rainbow race
It’s too soon to die.
Go tell, go tell all the little children.
Tell all the mothers and fathers too.
Now’s our last chance to learn to share
What’s been given to me and you.
One blue sky above us
One ocean lapping all our shore
One earth so green and round
Who could ask for more
And because I love you
I’ll give it one more try
To show my rainbow race
It’s too soon to die.
One earth so green and round
Who could ask for more.
*Pete Seeger died on January 21, 2014.
Sources: Haiti Chery | YouTube (courtesy of dcgforrizle)
Pete Seeger: One Blue Sky | My Rainbow Race — No Comments