HomeDC EditorialClinton’s IHRC Commission Declared a Fraud by Haiti’s Senate

Editorial Comment

Mr. Michel Martelly’s presidency has stalled. The Haitian Senate disqualified first prime-minister pick, Daniel-Gerard Rouzier, because he failed to prove that he is a Haitian citizen. Second pick Bernard Gousse was rejected even faster because of his horrible human-rights record. Mr. Gousse is alleged to have persecuted at least one of the senators who evaluated his dossier. The Haitian Senate is cooler still to Martelly’s project to renew the mandate of the illegally created Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), a brainchild of Mr. Clinton and his wealthy friends.

Dady Chery, Editor
Haiti Chery

By staff


Translated from the French by Dady Chery for Haiti Chery

The Public Works Committee of Haiti’s Senate met on Thursday, August 11, 2011 with Ministry of Public Works, Transportation and Communication (MPTC) Representative, Jacques Gabriel, about several ongoing projects attributed to the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), and other important issues. The Committee Chairman, Senator John William Jeanty, said that the meeting with Minister Gabriel shed light on what he calls IHRC “bluffs.”

According to the understanding of the second Senator from the Nippes Department after the meeting,

“A set of projects that the IHRC claims to have financed for the MPTC had actually been funded by donors like the European Union and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), before the Commission was formed.”


Fundraiser for the IHRC in 2010. From left to right: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bernard Kouchner; Haitian Prime Minister, Jean Max Bellerive; U.N. Special Envoy to Haiti, Bill Clinton; and Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Celso Amorim.

The Senator accuses the IHRC of appropriating for its balance sheets the projects of several ministries. He said that the participation of former United States President Bill Clinton, whom they are passing off as the facilitator of funding for the IHRC, is not as substantial as we are made to believe.

Other topics such as the operation of Electricité d’Haiti (EDH), the network of telephone operators, the National Center of Equipment (CNE) were also discussed, said engineer Jeanty without giving more details.

The MPTC Minister said he furnished clarification on some projects mentioned in IHRC documents for which information on financing has been “long in coming.”

This especially regards, he said, plans for the construction of roads mentioned in the Commission documents under the heading “Support for Transport,” which provide as examples the stretches Gonaïves-Ennery, Croix des Bouquets-Malpasse, and Petit trou-Petite Riviere de Nippes.

“We provided an update on these projects and discussed the possibility of launching the projects that are already approved, or initiating studies for projects not yet evaluated,”

said the outgoing Minister of Public Works.

Sources: Haiti Chery (English); featured photo, Haitian Senator John William Jeanty. | AHP, August 11, 2011 (French)


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